Monday, December 10, 2007

Tubabs (white people) and Farafins (black people)have different opinions of
what constitutes a good hotel. Keita has been bothering me for months regarding the lack of satellite TVs in the hotel and particularly in the suites. In his opinion a suite is not a suite unless it has at least this minimum of gadgetry. The presidential suite at the Campement for instance has not only a really huge television but it has an enormous fridge and other accoutrement of 'civilisation'. I have shrugged my shoulders and taken no notice. In my opinion nobody comes to Africa for a holiday and is disappointed because of a lack of satellite television! But Keita then points out, quite rightly, that this is Africa and the hotel should not only be for Europeans, but we should be able to receive the President of the Republique in some style if necessary- and any other African dignitaries for that matter. So I have finally buckled under the pressure, and the three suites (one of which serves as my home at the moment) as well as the reception is now equipped with satellite TV. Therefore I am able to watch BBC World, and I am fully aware that there has been a pricefixing scandal in UK supermarkets; that Ian Storey has made a triumphant debut at La Scala as Tristan, and furthermore that Philip Shave Simplicity is making hard to reach places easy to reach.


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